6 Simple Ways to Journal for Personal Growth
I was a sophomore in high school when I started my first journal. A good friend of mine had just shown me a notebook that she used to keep all of her secrets. Who she had a crush on that week, what she stole from her sister, how horrible her mom was, you know - familiar high school dramas carefully penned within the lined pages of secrecy.
I thought it would be fun to start one too, and luckily I had a blank Lisa Frank spiral notebook with a gorgeous unicorn (the real ones know, lol) on it ready to capture my tales. (Side note: Fast forward 26 years later, and here I am, laughing hysterically as I read those old journal entries with my 15-year-old daughter, who is now a sophomore in high school. Talk about a full circle moment!)
I loved the feeling of being able to fully express my thoughts and feelings without interruption or judgment from anyone else. This was, after all, a private thing for me to experience.
Now, with three solid decades of journaling behind me, I can confidently say that journaling has allowed me to express thoughts and emotions that I never would have confessed, either to myself or to others, verbally. Journaling allows for brutal self-honesty, introspection, and revelations that can lead to growth and healing.
I’ll share with you some of my favorite journaling techniques that I’ve used over the years. I encourage you to find one that resonates with you, head to the store (or online) and buy yourself a pretty blank notebook (Lisa Frank is back, people!) or journal and get started uncovering aspects of yourself that you didn’t know existed!
The Benefits of Journaling for Personal Growth
Personal growth is not just about improving yourself and your life, it’s about complete acceptance of yourself - the good, bad, ugly, and beautiful. Everyone, no matter who they are and what they do, can benefit from some level of personal development. One of the most common strategies to begin to work on personal growth is with a journal.
Journaling can help us to slow down and take a step back to reflect on our thoughts, feelings, motivations, and experiences. It can allow us to gain clarity in situations we’re stuck in or confused about. It can also bring closure to events that have happened in the past but remain unresolved for us mentally.
Journaling also enables us to plan our goals for the future and track our progress towards those goals. Most importantly, journaling can help us to become more aware of who we are, and how we want to live our lives and help us establish a vision for the future.
How Does Journaling Help with Self-Improvement?
Clarity on Your True Thoughts and Feelings
A beautiful gift that journaling provides is a space for deep self-exploration, which can lead to unexpected insights and moments of clarity. It can allow you to uncover hidden feelings and thoughts, offer a sense of peace and understanding as you gain new perspectives and help you find the answers to the questions you bravely ask yourself.
Discover Your Path
I don't believe that there is one singular predetermined path that we are all destined to follow from the moment we enter this world until we depart from it. Instead, a multitude of potential paths await, with detours, guideposts, and travel companions to accompany you on your journey. The possibilities of your life are truly endless. And the best part is, that YOU get to create your reality.
However, if we don’t stop every once in a while and pause to reflect on our progress along our chosen path, we may find ourselves waking up one day only to realize that it's all over. Think about how many times you've heard from elders "Don't blink, life goes fast."
Celebrate Your Accomplishments
When was the last time you celebrated yourself? When was the last time you recognized your accomplishments and gave yourself a pat on the back? It is often easy to fall into a cycle of constant self-criticism and comparison with others, but it is important to take a step back and recognize our progress as well. This can help boost our self-esteem and motivation, leading us towards continued success. And remember, the growth and healing of you leads to growth and healing for everyone around you.
Identify Your True Desires and Aspirations
Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a situation? One that you, at one time, willingly entered into? Or are you simply uncertain about your current path in life? Journaling can be an incredible tool to navigate through these moments of confusion.
It goes beyond providing clarity; it helps you dive deep into your choices and motivations. By exploring your thoughts and experiences in your journal, you gain insights into what truly matters to you and what you genuinely desire for YOURself. Through journaling, you uncover a clearer vision of your aspirations and make conscious choices that align with your true desires.
Embrace Your Unique Attributes and Areas for Growth
Each person has a unique set of natural gifts and qualities that shape their identity, encompassing both strengths and areas for growth. However, gaining true awareness of these traits and fully embracing them can often be a challenge. Many individuals struggle to identify their strengths and tend to focus solely on their shortcomings, often leading to a lack of confidence and self-doubt.
It is important to recognize that our unique attributes are what make us stand out as individuals. Each person has a distinct combination of talents, skills, and personality traits that contribute to their overall character. These qualities should be celebrated and embraced, as they are what make us who we are.
At the same time, it is also crucial to acknowledge and address our areas for growth. These are the aspects of ourselves that may need improvement or development, but should not be seen as weaknesses. Instead, they provide opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement.
By acknowledging these areas and actively working on them, we can become well-rounded individuals who are constantly striving to better ourselves, while accepting the moments in time where resting and rebalancing are just as important as improving.
Are You Ready to Start Journaling?
There are various journaling techniques that you can choose from. Each offers unique benefits. My suggestion is to choose the one that stands out or resonates the most with you.
Let your intuition guide you and commit to journaling for at least 30 days to see how it impacts your life.
First, you must establish a few ground rules.
Choose a dedicated journal or notebook to use, as well as the type of journaling you are going to do (see options below).
Know that this journal is for your eyes only!
This frees you from worrying about someone reading these intimate and internal thoughts (one of my scary thoughts a few weeks ago was “I don’t want to be a mom anymore.” That was an interesting thought to admit to myself and to write down - but you know what happened after? I realized it wasn’t that I didn’t want to be a mom anymore, it was that I needed to change the way I was ‘mothering’).
If you live with others, it's important to have a designated private space.
Some people even transform their closets into cozy retreats to escape and be alone. Ensure that this space is used for journaling and storing your journal securely, where you won't have to worry about anyone accidentally stumbling upon it and reading its contents.
Remind yourself that you are free to write exactly whatever thoughts and feelings come to mind without judgment.
Sometimes when I’m working through a particularly difficult situation I tell myself “Write down exactly what comes to mind, you don’t even ever have to go back and read what you wrote - the point is just to be brutally honest with yourself right now.”
By sticking to those ground rules you will likely find yourself more freely able to write, without holding back!
Now, onto the journaling options that have helped so many!
6 Types of Journaling
Stream of Consciousness Journal (10-30 minutes per day)
What it is: writing without any filter or structure, allowing your thoughts and feelings to flow freely onto the page.
The benefits: encourages self-expression, introspection, and self-discovery. It helps to release pent-up emotions, gain clarity, reduce stress, and tap into your subconscious mind. It can be a cathartic and therapeutic practice that allows you to explore whatever is on your mind, in that moment.
When to use: This is the most basic type of journaling and can be used whenever you feel the need for self-reflection, emotional release, or creative exploration. It can be helpful during periods of heightened stress, and confusion, or when you want to tap into your intuition and explore deeper aspects of yourself. It can also be used as a tool for creative writing, brainstorming ideas, or capturing spontaneous insights.
How to start:
Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can write without distractions.
Set a timer for a specific duration, such as 10, 15 or 30 minutes, and start writing whatever comes to mind without judgment or concern for grammar or punctuation.
Alternatively, you can choose a specific page count that you want to write to.
Last year, when I was feeling particularly lost, I made myself write three full pages in my notebook every morning for six straight months. Let me tell you, a lot of clarity and understanding about myself were uncovered during that period!
Let your thoughts flow naturally, allowing your pen to move across the page. Don't worry about coherence or making sense—just let your stream of consciousness unfold.
It is recommended to do this daily, for at least 30 days (or give six months a try like I did!) to get to know yourself better.
You can then continue to do this exercise daily, once or twice a week, or whenever you feel the need to unload your thoughts and emotions.
Gratitude Journaling (3 minutes per day)
What it is: a very simple process of writing down things that you are grateful for each day. This can help you appreciate and acknowledge the people, experiences, and things that bring joy and fulfillment to your life.
The benefits: increased feelings of happiness, amplified positive emotions, and a shift in mood towards joy and gratitude.
When to use: daily, to start or end your day on a positive note. It can be particularly helpful during challenging times when you might need a reminder of the positive aspects of your life.
How to start:
Keep a journal next to your bed.
First thing in the morning, or last thing before bed, open up your journal and write down at least three things that you are grateful for for the day.
They can be simple pleasures or grand events, the point is to think of the experience that occurred that day (or that you’re expecting to have that day) and find feelings of gratitude for it.
Examples of daily gratitudes include: going on a walk, having a meeting get canceled, receiving a compliment from a stranger, making your favorite dinner, etc.
Reflection Journal (20-30 minutes, when you need to process something specific)
What it is: writing down reflections about a particular event or experience, or asking yourself a specific question to reflect upon.
The benefits: allows you to reflect on your experience(s), and make meaning out of them. By regularly engaging in reflection journaling, you can enhance your emotional well-being, gain clarity about your values and goals, and improve your decision-making skills and understanding of what makes you, you.
When to use: when you want to process and make sense of significant events or experiences in your life. It can be helpful during periods of transition, general personal growth, and self-discovery, when facing challenges, making important decisions, or seeking clarity and insight.
Consider using a reflection journal as part of your self-care routine or as a regular practice for personal development and self-reflection, for example, use this technique once per week if you’re ready to dig into some childhood trauma or shadow work exercises.
How to start:
Begin by setting aside dedicated time for this type of journaling, a time where you don’t have to rush out and do anything after.
Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions.
Close your eyes and think about the incident you would like to reflect on. Picture yourself in the scenario (whether it’s a past incident or some imagined future worry), and really try to feel what emotions are coming up for you.
Consider using writing prompts or questions to guide your reflections. Some examples include "What did I learn today?” "What are three things I am grateful for?” “What are some ways I can start to validate myself?” “What do I wish I was better at?”
Write freely and openly, allowing your thoughts and feelings to surface. Reflect on your experiences, emotions, challenges, and successes. Don't be afraid to explore different perspectives or challenge your assumptions, after all, if we are the creators of our own reality - we are also the authors and get to create the stories we tell ourselves.
Make reflection journaling a regular practice, whether it's weekly, monthly, or at your desired frequency.
Goal-Oriented Journaling (15 minutes on day one, 5 minutes per day ongoing)
What it is: involves articulating your goals, breaking them down into actionable steps, and tracking your progress over time. By journaling about your goals, you create a focused and intentional pathway toward manifesting your desires and turning them into tangible realities.
The benefits: help clarify your vision, increase motivation and accountability, enhance self-awareness, and boost confidence. By regularly journaling about your goals, you create a positive and empowering mindset, stay aligned with your intentions, and make steady progress toward achieving what you truly desire.
When to use: whenever you want to set specific goals and actively work toward their realization. It is particularly effective when you are ready to make a change in your life, whether it's related to your career, relationships, health, personal growth, or any other area that is calling for a new direction.
You can start goal-oriented journaling at any time, and it's an ongoing practice that evolves as you progress toward your goals.
How to start:
Identify your specific goal(s).
Bonus points if your goal comes with an achievement award at the end!
Write your goal down, being as specific and detailed as possible.
Example: I will run my first half marathon six months from now. As a reward for this goal, I will buy myself a new purse.
Break down each goal into smaller, actionable steps that you can take to move closer to your desired outcome.
Create a plan, and evaluate your progress each week.
Use your journal to track your progress, celebrate achievements, reflect on any challenges or obstacles, and adjust your approach as needed.
Regularly review and update your goals, revisiting them with intention and commitment.
Microdosing Journal for Plant Medicines, Psychedelics, or Hallucinogenics (2-3 minutes on microdosing days)
What it is: a tool for documenting and tracking your experiences with microdosing certain substances. It involves recording your dosage, timing, effects, and any insights or observations you had during the process.
The benefits: helps you understand the impact of plant medicine on your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It allows you to track patterns, identify optimal dosages, and explore the benefits of microdosing for your specific needs.
When to use: A microdosing journal is used when you are actively engaged in microdosing plant medicines like cannabis, or psychedelics like psilocybin containing mushrooms or LSD. It is recommended to start the journal before you begin your microdosing regimen and continue throughout your process.
How to start:
Begin by selecting a dedicated journal or notebook specifically for your microdosing experiences.
Before each microdose, record the date, time, and dosage (for menstruating females, it can be helpful to track where you are in your monthly cycle as some people notice a different response to these substances at various time points during their cycle).
Later in the day, you can record what effects the medicine had on you.
It is also helpful to document your intentions, or goals for microdosing, as well as any specific areas of exploration or personal growth you wish to focus on.
Regularly review and reflect on your entries to identify patterns, lessons, and personal discoveries.
Plant Medicine Ceremony Journal (30-60 minutes before, during, and after the ceremony)
What it is: a tool for documenting and reflecting on your experiences during plant medicine ceremonies. It serves as a sacred space to record your intentions, emotions, visions, and insights that arise during these transformative experiences. I’ve had the same plant medicine ceremony journal for the last two years, and it’s really cool to go back and look at the various insights I’ve gained during each trip.
The benefits: allows you to deepen your connection with the plant medicine and track your personal growth and healing journey. It provides an opportunity for self-reflection, and integration, and a way to honor the wisdom and teachings received during the ceremonies.
When to use: before, during and/or after plant medicine ceremonies.
It is recommended to start journaling before the ceremony to set your intentions and expectations, I typically begin writing in my ceremonial journal a few days prior to the ceremony. During the ceremony, you can capture your thoughts, emotions, and any visions or insights that arise, if that’s available to you - you may wish to journey without writing and then come to your journal later to capture any details. Afterward, you can reflect on the experience, record any important lessons or messages, and document your integration process.
How to start:
Begin by selecting a dedicated journal or notebook that feels sacred and meaningful to you.
Before the ceremony, spend some time setting your intentions and clarifying what you hope to receive or learn from the plant medicine while being open to what the medicine wishes to share with you.
During the ceremony, you can jot down notes, sketches, or symbols that represent your experiences.
The day after the ceremony, take the time to reflect on your entries, expanding on any insights or revelations you had. Consider the impact of the ceremony on your thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being. Use the journal as a space for integration, self-care practices, and gratitude.
Remember to approach the plant medicine ceremonies with reverence, respect, and openness to the teachings they may offer.
So, are you ready to take a journey towards self-discovery and step into your personal power through the art of journaling? Remember, these journaling techniques are just the tip of the iceberg, and you have the freedom to explore and combine them in unique ways that resonate with your soul.
Now, grab your favorite pen and let your journal be your guide. Trust the journey, honor your truth, and uncover the infinite wisdom that resides within YOU!